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Problem of the day.
Davey and Charlie shared half a box of crackers. They each had 20 crackers. How many crackers did the box have when it was full?
I did 20 +20 and got 40 because it says both kids have half a box of crackers.Then i did 40 +40 and got 80 because it says they have half a box of crackers.
I got 80 as my answer.
20+20=40 40=40=80
3rd Grade Reflections
1 thing i learned was division.
1 thing I stuggled with was vollume.
1 thing that surprised me our citys.
1 thing that disapointed me was when i get bad grades.
My planet is called mercury .The closest planet to the sun.Even know it’s the closest planet to the sun its not the hottest.Venus is the secont closest planet to the sun.Venus has hotter tempenture than mercury.Because venus has a thick layre of clouds that soak up heat like a blanket.Mercury is thirty six million miles away from the sun.One solor day on mercury is 176 earth days long.Mercury is covered with craters and holes it looks like the moon in a way mercury has no and more are from facts for me.
picture from
In MRS. odom’s class we searched the weather.We had to anwser some questins for example which city would you like to travle to and why.I picked Lasvegas so i could wrestle a garrilla.My favorite state is Louisiana because my favorite football team LSU .It was realy fun seeing all the different states and how cold or hot they are.I realy never saw a state higher than 70 degrees but the north pole was 10 degrees.
Perimeter Center
The candy in my hand?It’s like a colorful rainbow. It fells like a small hard rock.It also sounds like a clicking sound when it drops. There is chocolate in side it and is really small, a little bigger than a ant and are really tasty.
Can you guess my candy????
Today my class went with MR. MAC to the woods behind the school.We saw a creek and it reminded me of weathering.The water would go then all the sudden it would drop because of weathering.It use to be a really high rock but the weathering and water brought it down now it is way smoother .It looks like a waterfall too.It took many many years to go down but it finally came.It looks awesome!!